Mike Teaches How to Memorize Scripture

No loss of oxygen robbed Mike Francis of his love for the Bible and his unshakeable belief in the imperative of every Christian spending time in God’s Word to hear the Shepherd’s voice, learn the precepts, and store it in his heart (Psalm 119:11). The last sermon of the year was always devoted to this topic (hear the 2007 sermon, He Who Promised), and he’s been working on re-learning the Bible since he came home from the hospital.  He and his faithful friend and helper, Glenn, spend three-plus hours every week making and going through these cards and talking about the content, and then Mike works alone on the cards almost daily.  “My prayer is that God will use this system to increase your ability to memorize the Bible, and I hope it benefits you,” says Mike.

3 thoughts on “Mike Teaches How to Memorize Scripture

  1. Ruth Olson

    I too love to know Scripture by heart and find Mike’s system practical and doable. Thank you, Mike Francis for continuing to teach and instruct us.

  2. Ingela Duberg

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Mike.
    I want to get going on your system right away!
    Love to all the family/

  3. Tim Shaw

    I love this, Mike! You have encouraged me today. I’ll give this technique a go. Sending my love to you, Maria and the family from out here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

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